Monday, August 15, 2011

End of Summer Blues!

Skin, Eyes, Lip lines, Tattoos, Accessory, EA Store clothes/hair/brows
Skin, Eyes, Lip lines, Facial hair, Hair, Pants, EA Top/Hat/Brows
Peggy Skin, Brows, Lip lines, Facial hair, Eyes, EA Store clothes and hair
Born in game!
(By Donovan and Sheri)
Peggy Skin, Hair, Eyes, Lip lines, Tattoo, EA Store Clothes  

All these Gentlemen use these CAS Sliders
Face Sliders
_Ear Slider_Body Sliders_Cleft Slider_Height Slider_Chin to Neck Slider
The .sim file goes into My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Saved Sims
Have Fun with these guys and I hope you all like them!!!


  1. They are all so damn hot, i just fainted. Give me Pierce, Sebastian and Bobby. Oh your men are to die for. Thank you.

  2. They are beautiful. Very nice work.

  3. wow very nice sims.
    i have downloaded all your sims eh. pierce sims is really gorgous for a born in game sims , that fantastic. i like the cowboy he pretty hot . bobby is dreamy of course.but sebastian is maybe the most interesting of your sims so far, his face is so unsim like that i rather like him a lot.his eye nose mouth really pack a wow factor for a simse sim, very good work! now i cant decide what to do , who to play with soon.

  4. hey, i can't seem to extract bobby. there's an error, will u upload it back for me? or email me the zip or .sim file to my email. evanderharry(at)gmail(dot)com
